West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday congratulated the Kolkata Knight Riders squad and its co-owner. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan for their emphatic victory over Mumbai Indians at the Indian Premier League opening match. Match Photos
“Congratulations to @iamsrk, @GautamGambhir and @KKRiders for the great win in the opening match. Very good start. Keep it up,” Banerjee posted on Twitter.
Defending champions KKR, led by Gambhir, sailed to a seven-wicket win over Mumbai Indians at the Eden Gardens on Wednesday night.
Banerjee, who was unable to attend the IPL inaugural ceremony, met actor Hrithik Roshan in Kolkata prior to his performance at the event. She heaped praises on the ace dancer after watching a re-run on television.
“My dear @iHrithik you asked me to watch your performance at #IPL8 ceremony. I watched the repeat on TV. Excellent and full of energy,” she said.