Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is the latest to step forward to help the drought-struck farmers of Marathwada, according to ABP Majha. After actor Nana Patekar established Naam Foundation, Kumar has pledged Rs 90 lakhs to the cause.
Akshay has decided to contribute Rs 15 lakhs a month, for six consecutive months. Akshay’s PA will be visiting Beed district on Tuesday to distribute these Rs 15 lakhs.
On Monday, Indian batsman Ajinkya Rahane had announced that he had donate Rs 5 lakhs for drought affected farmers. He had made the donation to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.
It is expected that more Bollywood stars would soon come forward to contribute for the cause.
A few days ago, the MNS had demanded that Bollywood donate money to drought relief in Maharashtra. The party had threatened to stop movie screenings if the film industry did not come forward to help.
Tara Nath Ghimire
Let other stars do the same.
Zafar Ali Shaikh
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