Days after the Aam Aadmi Party dissolved its Maharashtra unit, Subhash Ware, its former state convener, too resigned from the party.
“The reason for resigning was that the political affairs committee took the decision to dissolve the state unit. I did not oppose the decision but disagreed with it. However, on October 2 when they gave the reason that the party here was dysfunctional, that was total lie. There are thousands of volunteers who were working here,” Ware said.
Ware added that he will not be quitting the party and will be working for it. “I will continue to work for the party,” he said.
he decision, however, has not gone down well with all volunteers and in particular office bearers of the party.
“Till two months ago, both Pankaj Gupta and Ashutosh complimented us for doing a good job in the city with our unit. We understand that if there is some issue, they transfer or move out some people. But if they dissolve the entire unit all of a sudden, you do feel there is something wrong. The high command culture has crept into this party too. At the end of it, I am left with a feeling that whether I was an idiot to have left everything,” said Mayank Jain.
Others like Sundar Balakrishnan, another member of the party, said, “Actually, volunteers are annoyed and a little disturbed. They did not take us into confidence when they took this decision. The appointment of a fact-finding committee was not informed to us and when we got an intimation that something like this was cooking, we wanted to meet Arvind Kejriwal. But that meeting did not materialise.”
When contacted, Pankaj Gupta said, “We have to talk to Subhash Ware. I am out of Delhi and will be getting back to him later. With respect to people leaving their work and getting into it, we all have done that and we do not go on publicising it. There is a hierarchy to decide. It is not that people will not have roles. And this team was also nominated like the one which will be nominated now. These teams are to create teams till the booth level, which will then elect a state body. They were not supposed to be the owners of the team. It was like an amanat which they have to take care of. Once they would have formed a team, the state unit would have been made out of that.”