amna editorial on Wednesday said J&K chief minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed should be arrested and tried for releasing separatist leader Mashrat Alam. Releasing Alam is akin to assisting terrorists, Saamna stated.
Also, the Pakistan high commissioner who keeps meeting separatist leaders and provokes them to fight against India should be “kicked out” . “But, do we have the spunk (to do this)?” Saamna asked.
In a scathing leader comment, Saamna accused the J&K chief minister of running the state government in consultation with Pakistan. “Considering the mindset which has assumed office in Jammu and Kashmir on the BJP’s support, the problem (in J&K) will exacerbate instead of being resolved amicably,” said Saamna, adding, “The J&K CM is pushing India into deeper crisis.”
Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s recent move to release separatist leader Mashrat Alam sent the BJP, the PDP’s ally in J&K, into a tizzy. The Saamna editorial will please the hawks in the Sangh parivaar which is miffed with the BJP central leadership for cosying up to the PDP, political experts said