Amid simmering dissidence in the party after Kiran Bedi was projected chief ministerial candidate, BJP today said there is “no crisis” and its cadres stand united to face the coming Delhi Assembly polls. “There is no crisis in the BJP. The party stands united to face Delhi Assembly polls,” senior BJP leader and Home Minister Rajnath Singh told reporters here.
He was replying to questions on apparent unhappiness of some Delhi BJP leaders over the former IPS officer being declared as chief ministerial candidate. There were protests by some party cadres in front of the Delhi BJP office over distribution of tickets as well.
“If there is any complaint (of the party cadres) they talk to their leaders in the party. There is no point in making it an issue. The entire party cadre will contribute wholeheartedly in the Delhi polls,” Singh said. 65-year-old Bedi, who had joined BJP last week, was named its chief ministerial nominee on Monday.