RJD chief and former CM of Bihar Lalu Prasad on Thursday hit out at the Narendra Modi-led government and gave zero marks to it which completes one year on May 26, arguing that it failed to help farmers in distress or provide jobs to the youth.
“I would give minus zero marks to the one-year-old Modi government,” Lalu told the media minutes before leaving for Delhi to meet Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and JD-U president Sharad Yadav over the merger of the six parties of the Janata Parivar.
He said Modi’s government has failed to help farmers suffering because of crop loss, and has not been able to bring back black money stashed abroad.
He also accused the BJP-led NDA government of failing to provide jobs to the youth or providing a sense of safety and security to minorities.
The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief said people have been disappointed and left in lurch by the Modi government and said that they will teach Modi’s government and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) a lesson.