RSS ideologue MG Vaidya on Monday said that it would not be appropriate to hold the sangh responsible for the NDA’s dismal show in the Bihar Assembly polls and added that it was for the BJP to decide whether it is the ‘ghulam’ of the voluntary non-governmental organisation which lays thrust on the principle of selfless service to India.
Vaidya downplayed assertions that RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat pitching for a review of the reservation policy had cost the BJP in the Bihar Assembly elections.
“The BJP had said it repeatedly that they are not in favour of bringing an end to reservation, but their assertions did not reflect on the votes. The Sangh does not decide its policies? Our policies are based on what is right for the nation. We speak what is right for the society and nation,” Vaidya said.
The RSS ideologue further said it is for the BJP to decide whether they would want to go ahead with the RSS ideology.
“It is for the BJP to decide. The Sangh will present its issues?.We say what is right for the society. The BJP should decide whether they are ‘ghulam’ of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha or not,” said Vaidya.
Tara Nath Ghimire
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