Mumbai: BJP MP from Akola Sanjay Dhotre kicked up a controversy on Sunday when, addressing a conference, he said “…let the farmers die.”
The BJP MP, however, defended his comments and said the statement from his speech at an event was shown by television channels out of context.
The controversial remark came at a time when 12 farmers from Vidarbha have committed suicide in 72 hours.
Speaking at an agriculture exhibition and conference of farmers in Akola on Sunday morning where revenue minister Eknath Khadse was present Mr Dhotre said, “The farmers are in trouble due to our wrong policies. Sometimes I say angrily say, ‘Let the farmers die, do not pay attention. Those who can afford farming will do it, others will not do it.’”
The comment immediately sparked outrage.
Criticising Mr Dhotre, Congress spokesperson Sachin Sawant said it showed the ruling alliance’s “perverted mentality”.
“If the BJP leadership is heading in this direction then we condemn it. The comment by Mr Dhotre shows their perverted mentality. It is sad that the comment was made on a public forum and in presence of senior leaders (sic),” he said.
AAP Leader Anjali Daminia has strongly spoken against such irresponsible statement made by a representative elected by the people.