The Hindu Mahasabha has announced that it will observe November 15, the day Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse was hanged, as ‘Balidan Diwas’.
According to media reports, Mahasabha president Chandra Prakash Kaushik is planning events to observe the day across the country.
“Godse was much more patriotic than Gandhi. I am very sure several people in the country think so. ‘Balidan diwas’ should be a day for the countrymen to sit and think why Godse killed Gandhi,” Kaushik told The Economic Times.
Members of the Mahasabha will perform street plays enacting Godse’s life. There will be readings of the speech Godse made before he was hanged. Copies of Gandhivad Kyon, a book written by Gopal Godse, younger brother of Nathuram Godse, will be distributed.
Last year, the Hindu Mahasabha had declared that it will build temples to honour Godse who was hanged in Ambala Jail on November 15, 1949.