(21 Dec) Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today filed a civil defamation case against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and five other Aam Aadmi Party leaders in the city high court. Jaitley accused them of issuing false and defamatory cases against him and his family members. The defamation case against Kejriwal, Kumar Vishwas, Ashutosh, Sanjay Singh, Raghav Chadha and Deepak Bajpayee was filed by Jaitley over the leaders’ comments on the alleged irregularities in Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA). Jaitley, who was the president of DDCA till 2013, has rubbished the allegations against his family members.
“”I have no family member who has even one paise interest in any form of business. Why should my family be part of a sports management business?” he said. BJP leader Kirti Azad on Sunday alleged that Jaitley attempted to sweep under the carpet the alleged DDCA irregularities. He posed 52 questions for the minister on not only his role in the DDCA but also his and his family’s alleged involvement in Hockey India.