New Delhi, Dec 11: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has garnered over Rs 9.6 crore in donations, in excess of Rs 20,000 from thousands of its supporters and well-wishers in the last financial year, according to data submitted to the Election Commission. A number of political parties recently submitted their annual reports of contributions of over Rs 20,000 received by them, as stipulated under Section 29C of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 which enables recognised political parties to get tax exemptions on this income, to the Election Commission (EC) which gives them to the Income-Tax Department for scrutiny in this regard.
New Delhi, Dec 11: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has garnered over Rs 9.6 crore in donations, in excess of Rs 20,000 from thousands of its supporters and well-wishers in the last financial year, according to data submitted to the Election Commission. A number of political parties recently submitted their annual reports of contributions of over Rs 20,000 received by them, as stipulated under Section 29C of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 which enables recognised political parties to get tax exemptions on this income, to the Election Commission (EC) which gives them to the Income-Tax Department for scrutiny in this regard.
Records state that the AAP got a total of Rs 9,61,51,672 from as many as 1,571 donors who had contributed varied amounts of funds through cheques, cash or electronic transfer to the party. The tally, for the 2013-14 fiscal, is led by the Congress which has received donations worth over Rs 66 crore and NCP which has got slightly more than Rs 14 crore under the same category. The BJP is the only national party which has not submitted this data to the EC till now. Other recognised parties who have not submitted this information to the poll panel include TRS, BJD, YSRCP, INLD, LJP, National Conference and PDP. Among others parties who submitted their donations list includes JD (S) at over Rs 5.48 crore, JD (U) over Rs 2.17 crore, CPI (Marxist) more than Rs 2.09 crore, CPI over 1.28 crore, Shiv Sena over Rs 1.81 crore and TDP more than Rs 1.01 crore.