New Delhi: Newly elected Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday held janata darbar at party’s Kaushambi office in Ghaziabad where he heard grievances of people.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief hed a similar kind of darbar on Wednesday.
Unlike last time, when the darbar was marred with problems of mismanagement and over-crowding, this time it was a well-organised affair.
While Kejriwal gave them a patient hearing, the residents participating in the Janata Durbar (public meet) complained of the chief minister giving an audience for just 10-12 people. Others were asked to wait for their turn.
Most complaints were related to police. About half of the visitors had come to greet Kejriwal with bouquets on being the chief minister of Delhi.
Most of them preferred clicking photographs with the new chief minister.
The visitors were attended from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm before Kejriwal left the office for the day.
During his earlier stint as the chief minister, Kejriwal, had held a similar darbar. However, it was marred by chaos as a large number of people had turned up. The security personnel had to take Kejriwal away from darbar venue.