Demolition of houses and slums are a regular feature in Mumbai. In this context a slum area located at Kalina was recently demolished. Among them tenants lived a lady with her two children aged six months and four years. With no support from any concerned bodies she was compelled to live a life in the streets with her two children. The cold winter played hell with her and her children.
Some member of AAP from Kalina could not see the plight of the women and her children. They arranged a room her, paid her deposit for the room and now she has a decent living. She now with a shelter for her children is confident enough to earn a living and pay her monthly rent.
In another incident an AAP member Kumud had witnessed a lady on the streets whose son had recently died. Kumud thought of doing something for the lady. He started tweeting around seeking for help. Among those tweets he happened to get his attention a reporter of NDTV Saurabh Gupta. He covered the news and help started pouring in from all corners. Apart from the help what touched everyone’s heart is when Sourabh paid towards the meal for the street children and the lady. It showed a soft corner of a media man which is of course rare amongst this profession.