Real News of India had earlier reported of the support by the Muslims of Delhi. A photograph of young Muslim women listening to one of the speeches of AAP was also published stating the support that this minority had provided. Today the polling results are amazing of 71 % Muslim votes.
According to Today’s Chanakya, this is how different castes voted in the Delhi poll.
The vote count according to different communities has has an interesting story. The business class the baniyas have voted more for AAP than BJP. How ever the determining factor of the victory would be Muslim, OBC and the SC.
The minorities who have been made tall promise by different parties in the past now have realized they are only vote banks during elections. They want proper representation of their community in the society today according to Iqbal Haq a local resident of Old Delhi.
The youth is looking for change and have mostly voted for AAP with their clean image and work done in a short stint of 49 days of Delhi Government. The 49 days government of AAP was a curse just before the elections but as election date drew near it energed as a boon.
Arvind Kejriwal’s repeated speech about how AAP had stopped the corrupt system in Delhi during their short stint has definitely made and impact on the public. He has openly promised to complete its full 5 year term this time.