CPI leader Atul Kumar Anjan has stoked a controversy by saying that a condom advertisement featuring former porn star Sunny Leone will destroy people’s sensibility and lead to more rapes in India.
Speaking at a rally in Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday, the senior leader of the Communist Party of India also sought to blame Leone, a former star of X-rated films from Canada, for the spread of porn in the country.
“Now there is an advertisement with her (Leone), have you seen it? She is lying down…and a man comes to her. (They show the advertisement) in the morning, at night…an advertisement for condoms, it is such a dirty and horrific advertisement that develops your sexuality and destroys your sensibility,” he said to cheers from the crowd.
“If such advertisements for condoms appear in the country’s TV channels and newspapers, then incidents of rape will increase. It needs to be stopped,” Anjan added.
name is Karenjit Kaur Vohra – during his speech though he wrongly said she came to India from Australia.
“If you switch on the TV, there is a woman named Sunny Leone, she has been the heroine of films with the most nudity. She has come from Australia to India and she was brought into films by Mahesh Bhatt. For five years she has been around and now she has become a heroine in films,” he said.
Anjan said he had been told by people about Leone’s “dirty movies”. He added: “I don’t want to speak about this before my sisters, they are porn films. I had never watched one till now, so I watched this porn.
“After watching just two minutes, I kept vomiting. They are showing everything and selling everything.”
Several Indian politicians have triggered rows with their remarks on rape. Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav said last month it is not “possible” for four men to sexually assault the same woman.