Ranbir Kapoor-starrer “Bombay Velvet” will hit the screens May 15 next year. Directed by Anurag Kashyap, the romantic thriller also stars Anushka Sharma and Karan Johar in key roles. “We are all gearing up for the release of ‘Bombay Velvet’ May 15 next year. The film needed time to complete given the work that was pending and now we have locked a release date.
“An exciting marketing plan is being crafted as we speak to promote the movie in a way films have not been presented before,’ Kashyap said in a statement. The film is produced by Phantom Films and presented by Fox Star Studios. “‘Bombay Velvet’ is a very special film, a beautiful love story set against the rise of Bombay. It’s authentic, good cinema with amazing performances by Ranbir, Anushka and Karan,” Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios, said in a statement.
We are excited to watch this hatke looking venture, what about you folks? Do you think Ranbir will live up to the expectations?