Gorkhas from different parts of India have again started their stir for a separate state Gorkhaland in New Delhi. The Gorkhas of India have long been living in Darjeeling under West Bengal. West Bengal has badly neglected Darjeeling in terms of development or in socio strata. Many such agitations for separate state Gorkhalnd have taken place in the past with no concrete results. The lack of good leadership, lack of proper communications with the centre and awareness with the rest of India has made this movement into a whirlwind. The only consolation is the Gorkha Territorial Administration GTA under the leadership of Bimal Gurung.
When Punjabis are from Punjab, Biharis from Bihar then why not Gorkhalis from Gorhaland is the common question in everybody’s mind of Darjeeling District. To realise their dream of Gorkhaland the people blindly supported BJP MP S. S. Ahluwalia.
Unfortunately MR Ahluwalia talks of Gorkhaland in the hills, once he comes down to the plains there is no mention of Gorkhland. PM Naraendra Modi during election campaign in 2014 had committed that he would look into the matter and would sympathise with the demand. Now the central leadership does not want a divison of Bengal.
Mamta Banerjee on the other hand has created a number of ethnic boards to keep the people diverted for the main issue. Recently CM Banerjee is now initiating a new district that is Kalimpong District. These are tactics by the CM to avoid the demand of Gorkhland.
Presently when the centre is all out defending itself of CBI raids in the CM’s office in Delhi what response would be Gorkhas get this time around is yet to be seen.
Tara Nath Ghimire
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