Priyanka Chopra hit headlines a few days back when Mumbai police busted a sex racket in one of her Mumbai properties, which she had rented out to a spa. The actor who was in the Capital on Saturday, told us that she is trying to find out the truth, and will support the police in their investigation.
“I have a lot of properties, which I have given out on rent, and I don’t know what happens over there. I was completely unaware of this. I still don’t know what the truth is. The matter is under investigation. We are law abiding citizens, and it is unfortunate that something like this happened. We have sent a legal notice, if it is true, then we don’t want them in our property,” Priyanka says.
According to reports, police busted the racket being run under the garb of a spa in a building in Andheri owned by her, and that three women were rescued and the manager was arrested in the raid that was conducted early last month.
But that’s not all that the 32-year-old has been in news for. Recently, it was reported that she fainted on the sets of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film while she was shooting a four-page monologue. While some reports blamed it on the work load, there were others which said that the harsh lights on the set were too much for the actor to take.
However, she says that the matter was not as big as it was made out to be. “I didn’t faint, I just swooned. Everyone panicked. I have fainted in the past too, as I do tend to overwork myself at times. However, this time I didn’t faint,” she says.