Paris Hilton seemed to be heaping praise on the Bollywood’s hottest man Hrithik Roshan. The two met at the restaurant launch in Dubai and it seems, they got along really well. They even posed for pictures which both Hilton and Hrithik shared. In fact, Paris is so bowled over by Hrithik that she is keen to work with him in a Bollywood film.
Sheeraz Hasan asked Paris on Twitter after the gala night if she would want tobe Hrithik’s love interest in Bollywood film. Hilton answered with a big Yes and even called Hrithik Roshan hot. She went ahead and praised Hrithik a lot. She found him to be very charming and gentlemanly. She’s heard a lot about Bollywood and Hrithik is a romantic representation of the same.
Hrithik Roshan too seemed pretty taken in by Paris’ warmth when he tweeted, “With d extremely gentle n kind hearted Paris Hilton at Cle dubai. Now that’s a spot dubai needs to celebrate! Amazing.”