Mumbai: Congress leader Sanjay Nirupam Friday demanded that Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis should intervene to ensure that MERC rejects the proposal of Reliance Energy to hike the electricity rates for Mumbai suburban consumers.
Talking to reporters here, Nirupam, former MP from Mumbai North parliamentary constituency, said Fadnavis should also probe the nexus between the power supply company and MERC.
“The government led by my party’s Chief Minister did not do anything in this regard. My agitation against the unjust power tariff levy of Reliance Energy went in vain as no action was taken,” he said recalling his hunger strike against the high electricity rates for low-end users.
Nirupam said people of Mumbai had voted for BJP in large numbers and hence Fadnavis should take steps to ensure that they are not burdened with unnecessary power tariff hike.
“As per the proposal, there will be 16 per cent hike for 0-300 units consumption while 45 per cent hike for high-end users. Fadnavis should see to it that the hike for poor consumers is not allowed while some adjustments can be made for high-end users,” Nirupam said.
“The government should represent the case of common man of Mumbai with the MERC,” he said.
Nirupam said the nexus of MERC officials and the company should also be probed.
“I will resume my agitation again if the demand is not met,” he said.
The proposed hike will adversely impact lives of lakhs of consumers who are already burdened with high cost of most essentials, he said.
“I am particularly concerned about the low end users who are not in a position to pay increased electricity tariff. Several analysts have also opined that the hike is unjustified,” he said.