Borivali police have registered a criminal case against self styled god-woman Radhe Maa and few others on the complaint filed by Dolly Bindra. “We have registered a case of threat and outraging modesty among other charges against Radhe Maa, Sanjiv Gupta, Talli baba, Bhupendra and others upon complaint of one Dolly Bindra at Borivali police station,” said additional commissioner of police, North region, Fatehsingh Patil.
Bindra told the news channel that she had been asked by the godwoman to have a “sexual relationship with a stranger”. Bindra had filed a complaint in a Mumbai police station, naming 20 people with the allegation. She told the channel that such incidents were common in the godwoman’s satsang and that they had tried to exploit her. “Once, her son and her follower tried to molest me in front of her other followers” she told the channel.
The television actor and former devotee of controversial ‘god woman’ Radhe Maa, Dolly Bindra had written to the Mumbai Police Commissioner complaining that she has received threatening calls. “I am getting life-threatening calls and I doubt on Radhe Maa, MM Gupta, and Asaram’s followers over it. I have filed a complaint and the police will investigate the matter,” Bindra had told ANI.
The self-proclaimed ‘god woman’ became the talk of the town for her pictures in a short skirt that went viral on social media. She has also been accused by a 32-year-old woman of instigating her in-laws to demand dowry.