The incident recently took place at the Sangarsh Nagar Police Chowky
In a shocking incident, three cops — Sunil Khatpe and Suresh Suryavanshi and Yogesh Ponde were arrested, along with five commoners after a model approached Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria. The model alleged that she was taken to the Sangharsh Nagar Police Chowky on the night of April 2 and held there till the afternoon of April 3. She also stated that cops extorted Rs 9.33 lakh from her and a male friend. As per the victim, Khatpe forced her to have sex with him at the police chowky. The commoners reportedly run an extortion racket with help of cops Ibrahim Khan aka Ibbu, the mastermind of this racket has been operating for nearly 15 years. He along with his men would extort money from hoteliers by posing as journalists.
Officials close to the investigations of the said case informed that there were several other constables and police officers present at the police station that knew about the incident but chose to keep mum instead of helping the model since the accused were their colleagues.