The Grand Finale of Lakme Fasion week was to be held at the heritage Bhau Daji Lad museum in Byculla yesterday. Everything was disturbed by the sudden entry of 40 MNS workers who stormed into the venue and started vandalizing everything they could get their hands on.
When the situation got out of control the organizers were compelled to shift the venue back to Phoneix Mall at the last moment.
According to Tasneem Mehta, managing trustee and honorary director of the museum, said that “They are trying to intimidate us and behave like moral police. He further said such shows are held at museums all around the world. revenues collect from such shows goes into educational programmes, buying arte facts and keeping the museum functioning, said its managing trustee and honorary director, Tasneem Mehta.
According to MNS such shows in museums cannot be organized as it is public property and permission was not granted to the organizers.
To the contrary the organizers claim that all concerned permissions were taken much before the commencement of the program.