Taking cue from a Delhi-based lawyer who has appealed with a city court against online sale of vibrators in the country, another lawyer from the city has come up with an appeal that even sale of teddy bears should be banned in India.
“At a time when the court is seriously considering stopping women of the country to have a right to pleasure, how can little girls be allowed to play with teddies? Kids like to hug their teddies, take them to bed. They are comforters for them that last long after they have left the mother’s lap,” advocate Myopia said.
“An adult woman who can access the internet and order a vibrator for pleasure… is a potential threat to the country’s already tumultuous gender balance. How can a woman be allowed to be independent in seeking pleasure? It is all wrong,” said Mardana Singh, chief of Rashtryia Andolan Of Purush Equality, in a rejoinder to the Teddy Bear case.
Upholding Mardana Singh’s re-joinder, advocate Myopia said, “Teddy bears are not even bears. To begin with they are not even Indian. This is a twisted method used by western parents to spoil girls and ingrain a sense of self-indulgence. Toys like teddy bears should be banned for girls all across India. Girls should rightfully only be allowed to play with kitchen sets.”
The two parallel cases lying with the city court will be heard consecutively later this month. So ladies, whether you want to buy a vibrator, a teddy bear or whatever else you think you should solely for comfort or fun, do it by March.
The Teddy Police is getting armed with arsenal.