Mumbai, Dec. 4 — Back in 2011, when Kangana Ranaut and Aanand L Rai worked together for the first time, they delivered a hit, Tanu Weds Manu. Now, they’re currently working on a film that is being touted as a sequel to the 2011 comedy, but has no similarity to the original story.
Kangana’s performance in this film seems to have impressed the director as he has now decided to cast her in another one of his films. She will be seen playing the role of a new-age Heer in that project.
Apparently, after seeing Kangana’s performance in director Vikas Bahl’s Queen, Aanand had written a challenging role for her for the ‘sequel’. But when the film’s shoot started in Delhi, he realised that she was pulling it off with great ease. Aanand says, “Kangana and I love to work with each other. After Tanu Weds Manu, I wanted to challenge the actor in her, and she overcame those challenges very smoothly. So, I decided to come up with something even more challenging for her.”
Is it true that he plans to give Kangana a tragic avatar in that film? “Yes, that idea has always been in my mind. I have already had a tryst with a tragedy (with his 2013 directorial venture Raanjhanaa), so I don’t mind revisiting it. But the idea will take its own time. I haven’t set a deadline for it since I can’t think of anything else except the sequel (to Tanu Weds Manu) right now,” says Aanand.