Four body builders from U.P, Bihar, Tamil Nadu and Punjab are participating in the 4th Asian Beach Games to be held in Phuket Thailand. This was announced amid a press conference held at Maratha Club, Mumbai on 17th November. The Asian Beach games are organized by Olympic Council of Asia from 14th to 223d November. Phuket is Thailand’s best know beach destinations.. The event is co-hosted by Ministry of Tourism and Sports and The Tourism Authority of Thailand. The event will see a host of 45 countries participating with the estimated athletes along with officers would be about 3500.
The four wrestlers Amit Chaudhary, Ravi Kumar, Kohtan Taman and Hiral Punjab are optimistic about winning some medals in the body building competition. These four body builders are participating in the game under the aegis of Indian Body Building and Fitness Federation. The Federation is an independent body with no support from the Government. With the help of some enthusiastic body builders these body builders have been sponsored to participate in Thailand. The federation also organizes Mr India competition annually along with a number of competitions at the state and national level.