Scientific efforts are being made to find the possibility of life at Mars and while NASA’s announcement of liquid water on the planet was deemed as one of the most important discoveries so far, there are organisations with absolutely bizarre findings.
UFO Sightings Daily, involved in researching on aliens, claims that there is a giant statue of Gautam Buddha on Mars. By this alleged ‘discovery’, UFO Sightings is trying to imply that Mars has already gone through life and it probably even had religion.
The image that Scott C Waring has presented as a reference was taken from a YouTube video uploaded by a channel called Paranormal Crucible. It’s the same channel that recently showed Obama’s head, a ghostly women and a military bunker on Mars. (Read: US Airforce officer claims she was abducted and raped by aliens on the moon)
Scott alleges that NASA doesn’t want anyone to know the truth because in that scenario it will be asked to share the info and technology that it has found. “This photo alone should be enough to convince the United Nations that intelligent life once existed on Mars,” Daily Mail quotes him as saying. While there is little possibility of any truth to the claim, it provides material for conspiracy theorists.