Union Minister Mahesh Sharma has said that his government is committed to building the Ram Temple at Ayodhya but would wait for the Supreme Court verdict or arrive at a “mutual understanding” on constructing the temple. He said it is the “dream” of the people of the country that Ram Mandir is built as early as possible.
“Our party and government have already given their mandate on this issue. We want to build Ram Mandir but we will either follow the Supreme Court’s order or would come at a common conclusion about constructing the Mandir. This is why it is taking time,” he said while speaking at a function here yesterday.”BJP is committed to build Ram Temple and even the people of the country want that the Ram Temple should be established. But the issue is pending in court,” he said.With his remarks sparking a controversy, Sharma later stressed that senior party leaders will take a decision on the issue.”Till an order is issued or mutual understanding arrived at, BJP should follow the situation and even I am not authorised to speak on this topic. Our senior party leader or government will take decision,” he said.The Minister also said that a grand museum is being constructed in Ayodhya.
“A grand museum is being constructed in Ayodhya. The Centre has given its nod to a Rs 170 crore Ram Van Gaman Path project which will depict Lord Rama’s ideals,” he said.Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi stressed the Ram Mandir issue is in court.”The Ram Mandir issue is in court. Steps will be taken on the direction of the court and this is a non-political issue,” he said