‘s been no looking back since. The leggy beauty has been born and brought up in South Africa and after winning the calendar Himarsha Venkatsamy is used to setting the camera lens on fire. The stunning model won the Kingfisher Calendar Girl Hunt in 2009 and therehunt, decided to make Mumbai her home. After making an appearance in I Hate Luv Storys, she is set scorch the screen as ‘Jhumpa’ in Roar: Tigers Of The Sundarbans, which is produced by Abis Rizvi and directed by Kamal Sadanah.
“I am a traveller at heart. Most people know about the Amazons but not many know about the Sundarbans. Being there was magical. We were literally at the mercy of Mother Nature. As for my role, Jhumpa is part of the jungle. I come from South Africa, a land famous for its wildlife. When I heard about the film, Jhumpa called out to me straight away, and I immediately felt connected to her. Shooting for this film has been one of the biggest adventures of my life. I’ve been thrown in crocodile infested water around four times! Abis and Kamal have been so supportive and helpful throughout this entire shoot and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.”
Roar: Tigers Of The Sundarbans, produced by Abis Rizvi and directed by Kamal Sadanah, releases on October 31st.