Chevrolet Enjoy has recently recalled its much hyped Enjoy car from the market. It is also learnt that a case in Bandra Consumer Court Forum has been filed by a consumer and an advocate Shri. Feroz Shaikh, who had purchased it from JMD motors. JMD and Chevrolet failed to provide any service to the Complainant despite the vehicle being under warranty. The Consumer Forum has taken strict view of the deficiency and unfair trade practices promoted by the car giant, Chevrolet.
Chevrolet has provided defective engine, gear box, and air-conditioner in it’s ENJOY vehicle, which appears to have been gathering negative consumer feedback. ARAI has provided Chevrolet certificate to carry on business in India, despite Enjoy being rejected in other countries. Enjoy is a sub standard, cheap brand with no near match for Innova.
So like it or not, the “Enjoy” is a Chinese vehicle trying to make it into India under an American coat. It was designed by a Chinese company (Wuling).
Tara Nath Ghimire
What does it feel like never to have owned a car ?