Buffalo meat was the most sought-after dish at Delhi’s Kerala House after it found its way back on the menu on Wednesday, a day after it was pulled off. “We have resumed selling buffalo meat in the canteen and most people are asking for the dish. It’s because of the news,” an official at Kerala House said. The state guest house was “raided” by Delhi Police on Monday after a leader of a fringe right-wing outfit Hindu Sena complained that beef was being served there. Later, it turned out that carabeef (buffalo meat) was being served in the Kerala House canteen. On Wednesday, the menu board at the canteen had the meat listed as ‘Meat Fry and Meat Curry (Buffalo)’.
Tara Nath Ghimire
An unofficial trade and fuel embargo from India against Nepal for the past one month. With the de facto Indian embargo, Nepal has faced serious shortage of fuel, medicines and other essential commodities.
The ongoing fuel shortage has forced the closure of thousands of schools and taken off thousands public and private vehicles off the roads, hitting Nepal’s economy hard.