The 16-year-old girl, who was arrested by the Anti-Terror Squad before she could join the Islamic State in Syria, has revealed that the terror group is planning to launch a massive assault on the Indian sub-continent by 2020. During her interrogation, the girl claimed that IS is planning to expand its area of control beyond Syria and Iraq and preparing grounds to target India by 2020. According to reports, the girl claimed that 8 to 10 men were in touch with her within India to carry out IS’s nefarious plans. The girl also said she was in touch with nearly 200 men from countries like Srilanka, Singapore, Canada, Kenya and Europe, who have shown interest in joining IS ranks. The girl was arrested from Pune as she was planning to leave the country to join the Islamic State.
The arrest came after the ATS began tracking the conversation exchanged between the teen and her sources from other countries. According to the ATS, the teen developed her interest for the terror group four months back on the internet. Gradually, she came in contact with a person from Sri Lanka and several others from other countries on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and through emails. Through constant messages, the IS finally managed to convince the girl to join the terror organization in Syria next year. The group also reportedly promised to provide her with medical education. A man named Sirajuddin, who remained in contact with the teen, has been arrested from Jaipur. Officials say that Sirajuddin was an IS recruiter and an Indian Oil Corporation staffer, who would coax youngsters on social media to join the terror group. Police officials claim that there was a steady change in the teen’s lifestyle in the past few months. The girl slowly switched from wearing jeans to burqa and a hijab. The girl belonged to good family and had done her schooling from a convent school.
Tara Nath Ghimire
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