Hyderabad, Nov 27 (IANS) A YSR Congress Party MP was booked on Friday for allegedly slapping an official of Air India at Tirupati airport, police said. The MP has denied the charge. A case for assaulting a public servant on duty was booked against P. Mithun Reddy and 15 others at Yerpedu police station at Renigunta near the temple town in Andhra Pradesh’s Chittoor district. However, no arrests have been made. Police said they were investigating.
A police official said the case was registered on a complaint by Rajasekhar, Air India’s station manager at the airport. The incident took place on Thursday when Mithun Reddy allegedly entered into an argument with Rajasekhar, after getting angry when the latter declined to issue boarding passes for him and his relatives as the boarding was already closed for the Air India flight to Delhi. According to the complaint, the MP, who represents Rajampet constituency in Kadapa district, shouted at the Air India manager before slapping him. The official alleged that Mithun Reddy along with some others again barged into his cabin and misbehaved with him. He said the MP’s supporters also manhandled him