Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray’s demand for autonomy for Maharashtra will raise eyebrows as it zeroes in on special powers to decide on matters of foreign trade.
The demand for special powers in the matter of foreign trade is explained in the party’s blueprint as being akin to the special status granted to Jammu & Kashmir through Article 370 of the constitution.
It talks about establishing what it calls the Maharashtra State Internal and World Trade Organisation in trade matters and seeks a change in the federal structure to allow more powers in other matters ranging from disinvestment and privatization of public sector enterprises to transport and planning.
“After 67 years of independence, each state must have the right to decide how it wants to develop. It’s not we alone who are demanding more freedom to states. Gujarat has begun to take over some rights and opportunities itself by directly signing international pacts for projects… Kerala has also established a corporation for speedy rail services,” the blueprint document states.
One of the proposals is setting up a stock exchange for the state. Another is privatization of Mumbai Port Trust and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust.
It’s apparent that the autonomy proposal is a reaction to the slowdown of development in what is one of the better-off states.
“To do away with the regional imbalance in the state, economic planning must be decentralized, separated from the central government,” the document states. It proposes “sub-national diplomacy” to allow each district to work out its international trade policy, enabling them to to market their produce without interference from the Centre and a little help from the state.
“Like J&K, which has been given special status under Article 370, Maharashtra must negotiate with the Centre for rights to take decisions regarding foreign trade,” the blueprint states.
It wants subjects like inter-state migration, railways, inland waterways, posts & telegraphs, inter-state trade and commerce, minerals to be put on the concurrent list.
It has also sought a new local list that will include health and sanitation, municipal tramways, irrigation and vehicle tax. It demands opening up of agricultural trade and advocates complete loan waiver for farmers.
Another significant proposal is dismantling the public distribution system (PDS) and replacing it with food coupons or direct cash transfers to help the beneficiaries purchase food from the market.
The blueprint also covers the issue of affordable housing. It notes that countries like South Africa, Singapore and Britain have made strides in this regard and pitches for the government to directly implement SRA schemes.