Releasing a ‘White Paper’ on water, the party claimed there has been no improvement in the city’s water situation even after spending around Rs 32,000 crore in the last 10 years.
“The party opposes the privatisation of DJB and reaffirms its commitment to provide clean water in every home at an affordable price. We will abolish the mandatory annual 10 per cent hike in water tariffs,” the Paper said.
Quoting a “CAG estimate”, the Paper claimed that the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) is losing more than Rs 1,000 crore every year due to mismanagement and corruption.
AAP also released a ‘White Paper’ on water listing a host of measures including ensuring up to 20 kilolitres water to every household, connecting every house to piped water connection.
“We will ensure free water of up to 20 kilolitre to every household with DJB’s metered water connection apart from making a time bound plan of action for covering all residents of Delhi with piped water,” Mr Khetan added.
The party underlined that it will take “tough steps” and is committed to a clampdown to eliminate water mafia while regulating private tankers effectively to ensure low cost to the consumer.
The document also said that Yamuna could be revived the way “England revived Thames” by imposing strict rules.
Although, it had no concrete plan of action on the clean up apart from making a cursory mention of disallowing untreated sewage to enter the river and banning all construction on the river bed.