Stress is a major crisis of our generation that affects us all but is often underestimated. Yoga, when done right is an amazing tool to combat that. Ideally, being part of a regular class is the way to go but these five asanas can be tried at home—two stretches, two breathing exercises and one bandha or neuro-muscular lock. Try them at home, but if you are new to yoga, opt for a teacher to guide you through the poses.
Sharnagat Mudra
Sit back on your heels in Vajrasana or the kneeling pose.
– Breathing in, raise your arms above your head and parallel to your ears.
– Exhale slowly, as you bend forward at the waist till your forehead touches the floor and place your palms flat on the floor.
– Hold your breath for thirty seconds to a minute. And then breathe normally.
– Inhale slowly as you come up, with your hands raised.
– Breathing out, lower your arms to start position.
Benefits: Combats pimples, dark circle under the eyes and stiffness in the back.
Don’ts: Avoid this asan if you are suffering from lower backaches or high blood pressure avoid this mudra.
Lie on your back with your hands stretched out at shoulder level.
– Looking up breathe in and raise your right leg 90 degrees from the floor.
– Breathing out, lower the right leg to your left side.
– Turn your head to the right. Maintain this posture for thirty seconds to a minute, breathing normally.
– Breathing in, lift the right leg to 90 degrees.
– Breathing out, slowly bring the right leg down to starting position.
– Repeat the same with the left leg.
Benefits: Combats stiffness and pain from the upper and mid back, and helps control Sciatica pain.
Don’ts: People suffering from severe sciatica should consult their doctor before performing this asana.
Brahmari Pranayama
Sit cross-legged in padmasana or lotus position.
– Close your eyes, inhale deeply and count till five.
– Hold your breath and press your chin down to the mid-point between your collar bones (the jugular notch).
– Raise your chin up to four fingers above that point and emit the humming sound of a bee from your throat as you exhale.
– Repeat this sequence twice.
Benefits: Relaxes the body and helps develop concentration, memory, quality of voice and the higher mental faculties.
Don’ts: If you suffer from severe throat problems avoid this Pranayama.
Shitili Pranayama
Sit cross-legged in padmasana or lotus position and close your eyes.
– Roll your tongue to form a tube and slowly inhale through it. If you’re unable to, make a square with your lips and breathe through the gaps in your teeth. Inhale and count till five.
– Press your chin down on the jugular notch and hold your breath for ten counts.
– Raise your chin up and then slowly exhale through the nostrils while you count to ten.
– Repeat the cycle fifteen times. As you get more comfortable you can perform this for as long as one hour.
– If you feel very cold, stop immediately.
Benefits: Aids in the release of anti-stress hormones and makes the tongue more flexible.
Don’ts: If you suffer from throat problems or infections of the throat avoid this pranayama.
Mool bandha
Sit cross-legged in padmasana or lotus position and close your eyes.
– Exhale forcefully through your mouth and hold your breath.
– Slowly contract your lower abdomen muscles—they should be tight and contracted.
– Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
– Slowly release the contraction and breathe out.
– Inhale slowly, expanding your stomach muscles and breathe out, relaxing the body.
– To perform the bandha again, take a few long breaths to bring your breathing back to normal.
– Repeat this cycle three times.
Benefits: Increases vitality.
Don’ts: If you suffer from piles or gynaecological problems consult a doctor before performing this bandha.
Tara Nath Ghimire
Most of them and some more I have been doing for years.
Zafar Ali Shaikh
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