In her upcoming film Ek Paheli Leela, Sunny Leone will be seen in three different avatars, one of them being a supermodel. And the former adult film actress felt so ‘close’ to this character that she decided to add a personal touch to the role.
A source told Mirror that Sunny pulled out a bikini from her personal collection. She’d worn it in one of her pre-Bollywood films. “It was a Valentine’s Day gift from her husband Daniel Weber,” added the source.
The bikini in question was required for a peppy number and the makers let Sunny pick one from her own wardrobe.”She phoned Daniel, who was to join them on the set later and he got the outfit along. Similar pink bikinis were then made-toorder for the background dancers,” said the source.
Confirming this, director Bobby Khan told Mirror, “We were looking for a perfect bikini for Sunny. We had four trials but none of the swimsuits worked. It was Sunny’s idea to pick the pink bikini, its Daniel’s favourite too.”