Shilpa Shetty and Akshay Kumar are all set to collaborate on a new home shopping channel called Best Deal TV. The partnership comes as a huge surprise to fans who loved the couple in films like Dhadkan but were unsure that they would ever see them in the same room after their alleged breakup. According to DNA, the stars will be working as partners on this project which involves some other celebrities like Sonakshi Sinha as well in different capacities.
In an interview Shilpa explained this new working relationship by saying, “I can’t take any credit for this as it’s my husband Raj’s brainchild. We needed someone who people believe in and over the years, Akshay has earned people’s respect through movies. So have I. So we wanted to associate with someone credible and it was very nice of Akshay to come on board. Raj went and met him and when he discussed the idea, Akshay liked it so much that he said he wanted to partner with us. We have a lot of other actors who are on board as well but in different capacities.”
Shilpa and her husband who gave up their stake in Rajasthan Royals are now working on supporting other sports like boxing through their concept, Super Fight League or SFL. The actress is very eager to return to films and television as well. Apparently, there are rumours that Shilpa has quit Nach Baliye as a judge and moved on to a similar show called Jhalak Dikhlaa Jaa on a rival channel. Shilpa explained the move and cited her inability to travel due to her little son as the reason for her exit but buzz is that she was offered a whopping Rs14 crore, which is double the amount she received for Nach Baliye. Whatever she does decide to do, we can’t wait to see Shilpa lighting up our screens with the magic of her dance moves all over again.