The hill town of Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, entertained VIP guests from Mumbai on Monday. Actor Salman Khan, dressed in blue, waved at cameras and crowds from a balcony with his sister Arpita and her husband of six months, Aayush Sharma. The Sharmas were throwing Arpita and Aayush a wedding reception in their home town.
Arpita wore a red lehenga while Aayush was far more casually dressed in a blue jacket and sunglasses. The family group on the balcony included Salman’s brother Sohail and mother Salma, and Aayush’s parents. His father Anil Sharma is Himachal Pradesh’s Panchayati Raj Minister.
The winding lanes of Himachal Pradesh were crammed end to end with locals, phones held aloft to take pictures, as Salman drove into town flanked by his bodyguard Shera and Sohail.
Arpita and Aayush were earlier spotted in a quieter moment at the Tarna Temple in Mandi. Arpita looked pretty in a simple red suit.
The reception preparations started over the weekend with a mehendi ceremony: