It was one of the rare occasions where Salman Khan and Ranbir Kapoor came together, after the latter started dating Salman’s former girlfriend Katrina Kaif. And the occasion that got the two on same platform was Filmfare Awards that was held at Yash Raj Studios.
No matter with the personal issues, it was a fun watch as both Ranbir and Salman were equally entertaining throughout the night.
Reportedly, Ranbir Kapoor was seated on the first row throughout and was seen chatting away with Shahid Kapoor and Varun Dhawan. Seated next to the veteran actress Rekha, the trio was seen cheering for this evergreen actress.
Also, Ranbir Kapoor’s ex flame Deepika Padukone was a hot favourite of Salman Khan at the award function. As Salman danced to the tunes of his KICK song ‘Jumme Ki Raat’, grabbing Deepika’s dress by his mouth. Salman was also accompanied by Karan Johar, Kapil Sharma and Sidharth Malhotra in the act. Also, Salman and Deepika shared an ‘aww’ moment on stage as they show their brightest smiles.
Ranbir, on the other hand, danced to the tunes of ‘Balam Pichkari’ from Karan Johar’s movie YEH JAWAANI HAI DEEWANI, which was also picturised with Deepika Padukone.
However, Salman’s ex and Ranbir Kapoor’s current sweetheart – Katrina Kaif was conspicuous from her absence! We wonder what the reason would be..