Mumbai, Dec. 26 — Recently, Richa Chadda was involved in an unpleasant incident at a party. The actor, who was accompanied by Varun Dhawan and Ali Fazal, was apparently stalked by two men, who even passed lewd comments.
“Initially, Richa ignored them. But then the situation got out of hand when one guy tried to come really close to her, and took a picture standing next to her without even taking her permission,” says a source. This, angered Richa, who then gave the two men a piece of her mind. “The altercation drew the attention of the organisers, who then came forward and mediated.
Soon after, the two men were escorted to another part of the club,” adds the source. When contacted, Richa confirmed the news, saying, “Most people don’t see the difference between a public personality and public property. I don’t think one should ignore such indecent and rowdy behaviour. People should be told when they cross the line, and that’s what I did. Also, at a time when there’s so much debate on women’s safety around the world, I think women who are in the public eye must set an example.”