Deepika Padukone’s ex flame Ranbir Kapoor had earlier revealed that he saw Deepika for the first time on OM SHANTI OM sets. Ask Deepika when did she see Ranbir for the first time and she says,”When he saw me, that time I didn’t see him. We discovered that much later. That day, I was shooting the scene before the song ‘Jag Soona Soona Laage’ on OM SHANTI OM sets. It was one of those days when we were shooting in Filmistaan when apparently I walked out and he had come out for a break from his set and saw me going to his van. But he didn’t take very long – that evening he got my number and we connected.” Ranbir Kapoor said, “It became like a circus because everything you did was about that and things related to it.
We were really ambitious people and somebody who really wanted to make their own identity apart from the relationships that we have in our personal lives. I guess with time and age you understand that probably when you get closer to marriage and become a little serious, it’s better that we don’t be open about the relationship because of what gets written.” Deepika Padukone, on the other hand, said, “Yeah absolutely. I think if there’s certain kind of aspect of our life now that we wouldn’t be comfortable in sharing, it’s because of our past experience.
What happens is that I guess that from a journo’s point of view, it’s only reporting. But from a human being point of view, it causes a lot of stress on a relationship, especially if negative or untrue things are reported. Relationships and emotions are really fragile. There’s conflict and unnecessary unrest. More than that, after a point you realize that you only want to be remembered for your work, films that you do. What we witnessed is that being honest and open with each other, there was no end to the speculation. When are they getting married? When are they having children? Is his family ok? Is my family ok? I don’t think even we had ever discussed those things but the speculation was already there. We’ve learnt that now it’s important to protect some things and keep it to yourself.” Point taken, Ranbir and Deepika. Here’s hoping you guys stay cute and do more movies together!