She made a promising debut with THE LUNCHBOX and now Nimrat Kaur is gearing up for her next film, AIRLIFT. She’s currently shooting for the film which stars Akshay Kumar. Ask the actress how it was working with him and she says, “I was very intimidated by Akshay before meeting him. I used to think that he’s a big star and has been working since a long time. I used to feel how confident he would be with a newcomer like me.”
She further adds, “AIRLIFT is my first big film. So I was very unsure. I was hoping to not be in a situation where I’m not able to find myself. But Akshay has a great comfort level on set. He handles people very well. He can make anyone comfortable very easily. Right from the beginning, there was no formality working with him. He’s one of the most wonderful and easy people I’ve met.” Directed by Raja Menon, AIRLIFT is based on the evacuation of Indians during the Iraq-Kuwait war and is scheduled to release on 22nd January. Interestingly, in January 2015 during the Republic day weekend, Akshay Kumar’s BABY had released.