Aamir Khan’s the butt of all jokes. Literally. While the actor usually doesn’t take criticism too kindly, his recent actions have called in for severe trolling on Twitter. And the latest reason being his Dangal poster which he unveiled on the social networking site on Monday.
Aamir was supposed to start shoot for Dangal on September 1 itself but after a little delay, the film went on floors on September 21 and Aamir decided to unveil the first look poster without further a do. But little did he know that he will be facing the brunt of it yet another time.
Soon, Twitter started buzzing with jokes on Aamir and there were several who started trolling him and his ‘mud’-dled up ‘Dangal poster. We’re sure Aamir won’t be laughing at them at all but here are some of the funniest samples.
Asst. Director @Bollywood_AD
Brief : ‘We need a groundbreaking poster for Dangal’
5:31 PM – 21 Sep 2015
47 47 Retweets
Naresh Kota @NK2VLNSK Sep 21
“@Bollywood_AD: Brief : ‘We need a groundbreaking poster for Dangal’ ” Seriously broken
Doc Daneeka @corvus_maximus Sep 21
@Bollywood_AD meh. Couldnt they slot another AMIR KHAN in there?
Banno tera swagger @surabhimairal Sep 21
@Bollywood_AD anybody else feel he looks like John Abraham?
Tara Nath Ghimire
Do you get well paid for this promo service ?
Ashish S Thakur
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