Mumbai, Dec. 15 — After walking the ramp for Zarina and Ronnie Screwvala’s social initiative earlier this year, Dia Mirza is now preparing to participate in the Mumbai Marathon for the same. The actor will take part in the Dream Run in the 2015 edition of the annual event in support of the Screwvalas’ NGO, the Swades Foundation.
Dia says, “I admire what Zarina and Ronnie are doing with Swades. They are perfect examples of citizens who give back to society and contribute to nation building.” The actor adds that she is looking forward to helping the foundation achieve its aims. ‘Their distinct goals and the efforts being made to achieve these are admirable and inspiring. I’m grateful for this opportunity, and I hope that together we can draw more people into our mission objective,” she says.
This will be Zarina and Ronnie’s first participation in the marathon, though Dia has been seen cheering runners on at previous events. The actor is associating with the foundation this time to help raise funds for better education and sanitation facilities for those residing in rural areas of India.