The coming Friday will witness the release of Indra Kumar’s Rekha-Sharman starrer SUPER NANI and Abis Rizvi Films’ Kamal Sadanah directed ROAR. While the front runner will once again be the week old HAPPY NEW YEAR but given the strong intrinsic merits, the emotional and family content will surely help SUPER NANI find its audience, while ROAR will have to bank on its International standard VFX and niche audience. Interestingly, a film which goes by the name MAIN SHAHRUKH KHAN BANNA CHAHTA HOON is also listed for release!
Last Friday saw the release of Farah Khan’s Shah Rukh Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Boman Irani, Sonu Sood and Vivaan Shah starrer, HAPPY NEW YEAR. As was expected and predicted, the film scorched the box-office (despite some negative publicity/reviews), setting a new first day, best single day as also the highest weekend record. Monday onwards the collections did fall (as is the norm after a big holiday) but not alarmingly. The film is on a record breaking run in the Mumbai-Gujarat sector. In fact HAPPY NEW YEAR is looking at a first week in the range of around 150 crore or more (including dubbed Tamil and Telugu versions). HAPPY NEW YEAR is also Shah Rukh Khan’s biggest overseas grosser (opening weekend) with $8m. While UK has grossed and#163;570,000, US is much higher at US$2,100,000, during the first weekend (24-25 October).
The major release of the week before HAPPY NEW YEAR, the horror genre MUMBAI 125 KM, saw a fair first day but collapsed after that as it collected 30 lakhs from Bombay, 6.50 lakhs from Ahmedabad, 3.15 lakhs from Surat, 3 lakhs from Baroda (collections from 5 cinemas unreceived), 3.15 lakhs from Pune, 2 lakhs from Nasik, 15 lakhs from Delhi city, 21.5 lakhs from Ghaziabad, 1.50 lakhs from Kanpur, 5 lakhs from Lucknow, 1.75 lakhs from Gurgaon, 1.50 lakhs from Chandigarh, 1 lakh from Jalandhar, 1 lakh from Amritsar, 1 lakh from Ludhiana, 1 lakh from Bhatinda, 1.50 lakhs from Bhubaneshwar, 2.50 lakhs from Nagpur, 1.75 lakhs from Jabalpur, 2.50 lakhs from Raipur, 3 lakhs from Indore (collections from 3 cinemas unreceived), 1 lakh from Gwalior (collections from 3 cinemas unreceived), 2 lakhs from Bhopal, 2 lakhs from Jaipur (collections from 5 cinemas unreceived), 1.50 lakhs from Hyderabad and 1.75 lakhs from Bangalore. Netting 1.75 crore during the opening week, MUMBAI 125 KMS has failed at the box-office.
The other release of the same week, SONALI CABLE, is a washout netting around a crore during the first week.
Meanwhile the Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif starrer, BANG BANG, took advantage of the absence of any major release collecting 75 lakhs from Bombay (collections from other cinemas unreceived), 30 lakhs from Ahmedabad, 7.15 lakhs from Surat, 5.50 lakhs from Baroda (collections from 4 cinemas unreceived), 5 lakhs from Rajkot, 15 lakhs from Pune, 3.15 lakhs from Nasik, 1.55 lakhs from Belgaum, 55 lakhs from Delhi city, 9 lakhs from Noida, 6 lakhs from Ghaziabad, 5.75 lakhs from Kanpur, 9.65 lakhs from Lucknow, 2 lakhs from Allahabad, 7.50 lakhs from Gurgaon, 2 lakhs from Faridabad, 5.15 lakhs from Chandigarh, 3.15 lakhs from Jalandhar, 2.50 lakhs from Amritsar, 3 lakhs from Ludhiana, 1.55 lakhs from Bhatinda, 20 lakhs from Calcutta, 2.65 lakhs from Siliguri, 1 lakh from Patna, 2.15 lakhs from Dhanbad, 1.15 lakhs from Ranchi, 3.50 lakhs from Bhubaneshwar, 5.65 lakhs from Nagpur, 3.25 lakhs from Jabalpur, 3.50 lakhs from Raipur, 7 lakhs from Indore (collections from 2 cinemas unreceived), 2 lakhs from Gwalior (collections from 3 cinemas unreceived), 3 lakhs from Bhopal (collections from 2 cinemas unreceived), 10 lakhs from Jaipur (collections from 8 cinemas unreceived), 2.65 lakhs from Kota, 3 lakhs from Udaipur, 25 lakhs from Hyderabad, 1.50 lakhs from Aurangabad, 30 lakhs from Bangalore, 2 lakhs from Mangalore, 1.75 lakhs from Visakhapatnam, 1.15 lakhs from Madras and 2.65 lakhs from Kochi. Adding another 6 crore BANG BANG has netted 151 crore in three weeks from India (Hindi version). Given the expected satellite price (35-40 crore), 6 crore from the dubbed versions and the great overseas run, the heavily priced BANG BANG is a semi-hit. The film is superb in the overseas grossing $13m with and#163;1,155,000 from UK and $2,580,000 from the US, till the fourth weekend (24-26 October).
Concluding with Vishal Bhardwaj’s Shahid Kapoor starrer, HAIDER, the film managed another decent week collecting 50 lakhs from Bombay (collections from other cinemas unreceived), 5.50 lakhs from Ahmedabad, 2.25 lakhs from Surat, 2 lakhs from Baroda (collections from 3 cinemas unreceived), 1.50 lakhs from Rajkot, 5 lakhs from Pune, 1.50 lakhs from Nasik, 1.55 lakhs from Goa, 50 lakhs from Delhi city, 9 lakhs from Noida, 4.50 lakhs from Ghaziabad, 3.50 lakhs from Kanpur, 5 lakhs from Lucknow, 1.25 lakhs from Allahabad, 10 lakhs from Gurgaon, 1.25 lakhs from Faridabad, 5 lakhs from Chandigarh, 2.50 lakhs from Jalandhar, 1.50 lakhs from Amritsar, 1.55 lakhs from Ludhiana, 20 lakhs from Calcutta, 1.65 lakhs from Siliguri, 2 lakhs from Bhubaneshwar, 3 lakhs from Nagpur, 1.75 lakhs from Raipur, 3.75 lakhs from Indore, 1 lakh from Gwalior. 2.50 lakhs from Bhopal, 5 lakhs from Jaipur (collections from 5 cinemas unreceived), 1.50 lakhs from Kota, 1.15 lakhs from Udaipur, 10 lakhs from Hyderabad, 20 lakhs from Bangalore, 1.25 lakhs from Mangalore and 1.15 lakhs from Kochi. Adding another 5 crore , HAIDER has netted 60 crore in three weeks from India. Given that HAIDER’s director Vishal and actor Shahid have forfeited their remuneration (resulting in a reasonable budget), as also the praiseworthy overseas performance, the film is an above average fare. HAIDER has done very well in the overseas (especially US) , grossing and#163;181,000 from the US.