Bigg Boss had a grand premiere on Sunday night and the 14 contestants have now been segregated into seven pairs for the show. The pairs are as follows -Roopal Tyagi and Digyangana Suryavanshi, Kishwer Merchant and Aman Verma, Suyyash Rai and Rimi Sen, Vikas Bhalla and Yuvika Choudhary, Rochelle Rao and Prince Narula, Mandana Karimi and Keith Sequeira, Arvind Vegda and Ankit Gera. And it’s time for Double Trouble to hit the house.
Bigg Boss ka googly!
It is day one for the contestants inside the Bigg Boss house and double trouble has already begun simmering on low flame! While everyone is tired and waiting to get into their comfortable clothes before going off to sleep, Bigg Boss throws the very first googly at the contestants. It is announced that each contestant pair will be able to receive luggage of any one member while the other will have to compromise. They are asked to mutually decide and give names of the contestants whose bags they want to keep.
One suffers!
As a result of the twist, most men in the house end up sacrificing their bags to save the damsels in utter distress! The rest of the bags are shredded in front of the contestant leaving everyone astonished and shattered. While Roopal and Kishwer break down, others try to console themselves and get over this shock.
Connection mat todna!
Reiterating the fact that the paired contestants cannot break their “connection”, the inmates of the house are woken up to the song “Yeh Dosti Hum Nahi Todenge”.
Bechara Prince!
The contestants are seen discussing about everyone’s behaviour inside house and anticipating how their stay is going to pan out further. Aman and Kishwer are seen discussing how Prince looked bored out of his skull sitting by as Rochelle and Keith spend time together.
Work Divided!
The housemates are pleasantly surprised when they receive the ration for the week and get excited to cook. While the men of the house take lead in the kitchen, women are seen taking a back seat as none of them are good at culinary skills. Being aware that the difficulty level of the game is going to only get double, the contestants dutifully divide household chores amongst the jodis. While Aman takes up the mantle of cooking breakfast along with Yuvika, Prince is seen preparing lunch.
The Bigg Bomb!
Later in the day, Bigg Boss drops the Bigg Bomb of nominations that has to be done in pairs. Some contestants are seen struggling to arrive at a consensus while others take a quick call.
Door door se hi dekho!
Ex- flames Ankit and Roopal are seen maintaining a distance from each other. Roopal is heard saying that Ankit is acting fake and behaving very different from the way he actually does outside the house! She also goes on to say that she is finding it weird as they broke up a long time back and have even worked with each other after that.
Rochelle upset with Keith?
On the flipside, lovebirds Rochelle and Keith are seen having a quick tete-a-tete where Rochelle informs Keith that he is on camera and has to be careful cautious of his behaviour and equation with his partner Mandana.
Snoring Alert!
When Bigg Boss decides to call it a day and the inmates hit the sack, they are woken up by Arvind’s loud snores. They find it difficult to sleep after being woken up from deep sleep and decide to wake up Arvind to lessen the effect. Realising that his snores are causing a problem for the rest of the house, Arvind tries hard to control it while others have a sound sleep.