Bollywood’s actress Anushka Sharma, who is currently dating Virat Kohli, faced a lot of criticism and bad comments from people all over the Internet for Team India’s defeat in the Cricket World Cup semifinals. A lot of tweets, Facebook trolls and jokes were made on the actress for something she did not do.
The Internet bullying started as soon as Virat Kohli returned to pavilion. Now recently a video came out and is making its round on the internet. The video’s purpose is to take a stand against sexism and cyber bullying. The message in the video is a strong slap on the face of Internet bullying. However, Anushka Sharma has not yet officially released a statement, Eros Now have uploaded a video on their official Youtube channel as a reply to all the cyber bullying and misogyny .
The montage video is made of pictures of all the negative comments, harsh tweets and posts that were made by cricket “fans” and targeted on the actress. But it’s the ending part (short clip of Anushka Sharma from her film NH10) in the video that delivers the perfect reply to all the cyber bullies. It ends with a curse word and strong reaction from Anushka and is a response to all the sexism that the actress faced so far.
This is not the first time that a cricketer’s partner is being blamed for his performance in the match. During England Tour last year, Anushka Sharma was blamed for her boyfriend Virat’s not upto the mark performance. Now again, the fans are pointing fingers at the NH10 star.