fter taking on Sonam Kapoor at the box office in January, Akshay Kumar is now set to battle it out with Sunny Leone at BO. Next month, Twinkle Khanna’s hubby dearest is going to clash with the Baby doll fame actress at the ticket windows.His action flick Gabbar Is Back will be releasing on May 1 and on the same day Sunny’s adult comedy Mastizaade will also be hitting the screens. While Akshay’s film, which co-stars Shruti Haasan and Kareena Kapoor Khan, has already created good buzz courtesy its trailer and romantic number Teri Meri Kahani, Ek Paheli Leela heroine on the other hand has a huge fan following and has become a popular name in a very short span of time. So it was hard to decide which film would actually race ahead in the numbers game. After all, when two films clash at the box office, only one is bound to walk away with the bigger money pie, hai na?
Therefore we recently conducted a poll on our website asking you’ll to vote and tell us which film according to you will create hungama at the ticket windows on May 1 – Akshay Kumar’s action flick Gabbar Is Back or Sunny Leone’s sex comedy Mastizaade co-starring Tusshar Kapoor, Vir Das and Riteish Deshmukh? By bagging 91 percent of the votes, Khiladi Kumar has won the poll by a huge margin. Yes, this means Sunny’s film only received 9 percent of the votes.
While Akshay clearly is a bigger star and a crowd puller, Ms Leone shouldn’t worry much because her latest release Ek Paheli Leela has surprisingly fared well at the Indian box office. In fact, it has become the 7th highest grossing film this year and is still pulling in crowd to the cinema halls. That certainly says a lot about Sunny’s growing star power, right?
So Akki’s film may rake in big moolah at the BO but at the same time I am pretty sure Sunny starrer will give it a tough competition!