TERI Executive Vice Chairman R K Pachauri, facing sexual harassment allegations by an ex-woman colleague, today moved Delhi High Court seeking action against some media houses for “deliberately” disobeying its earlier orders restraining them from publishing averments against him.
The contempt petition, which also sought directions to ensure compliance of two orders passed in February last year, will be heard by a bench of Justice J R Midha on March 3.
In his petition, Pachauri referred to some recent media reports claiming “he is being subjected to unfair and illegal media trial” and in these circumstances his fundamental right to get a fair trial would be violated.
“The present case is one of such glaring examples wherein one party to the proceedings before this court is deliberately and contemptuously flouting the orders of this court. It is submitted that in order to maintain the majesty of this court the respondents deserve to be dealt firmly for deliberate and wilful violation of the injunction granted by high court,” the plea, filed through advocate Ashish Dixit, said.
It alleged these media houses were repetitively flouting the directions of high court and were publishing incorrect and misleading reports with some ulterior motives.
The plea claimed that contents of the articles which were being published and aired by these media houses, were highly defamatory and prejudicial to Pachauri’s case.
The FIR in the case was registered on alleged charges of sexual harassment under the IPC sections 354, 354(a), 354(d) (molestation) and 506 (criminal intimidation).